Board of Education

Mr. Edward Hayden

Officer Role: President
Representing Area: Village and Town of Sharon
Term Expires: 2025
Board Duties:
Policy Committee
Negotiations Committee
WASB Delegate Representative
Ms. Kristi Reierson-McWayne

Officer Role: Vice President
Representing Area: Village of Walworth
Term Expires: 2026
Board Duties:
Building and Grounds Committee
BFHS Fine Arts Foundation Representative
Mrs. Margaret Labus

Officer Role: Treasurer
Representing Area: Village of Fontana
Term Expires: 2026
Board Duties:
BFHS Educational Foundation Representative
Ms. Jane Palmer

Officer Role: Clerk
Representing Area: Town of Linn
Term Expires: 2027
Board Duties:
Negotiations Team
Policy Committee
CESA 2 Board Representative
Mrs. Barb Nordmeyer

Officer Role: Member
Representing Area: Town of Walworth & parts of Town of Delavan
Term Expires: 2027
Board Duties:
BFASA Representative
Building and Grounds Committee