BFHS school wished farewell to retiring 21-year school board member Kim Arntz . Administrator Doug Parker, Athletic Director/Assistant Principal Mike Weldon, Assistant Principal /Co-Athletic Director Bailey Racky, Director of Pupil Services Stacie Sheppard, and Principal Jeremy Andersen.
Photo by Eric Johnson

We're hiring an Assistant Football Coach for the upcoming season!
Season: August 1st-November 1st
Contact Bailey Racky to apply (blracky@bigfoot.k12.wi.us)

Congratulations to BFHS top ten Seniors L to R Nicole Counter, Clayton Holt, Elijah Gerdes, Itzel Ruiz Hernandez, Grace Hanson, Evan Langelund,, Victoria Zaraza and Henry Walters Koerner. Missing from photo Ciara Connelly and Maya Morand

Work permits will no longer be available in the main office and are now available online on the Department of Workforce Development.
Link: https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/er/laborstandards/workpermit/

Last night the BF High School Board Welcomed Kristi Reierson-McWayne to the board. She replaces Kim Arntz who choose not to run again. They selected Officers. President Ed Hayden, VP Jim Brost, Clerk Jane Palmer, Treasurer Margaret Labus and Member Kristi Reierson-McWayne

Lost Dog Do you know who lost this dog we have her here at Big Foot HS in Walworth Female German shorthair pointer Contact us at BFHS to claim

Pictures from Rock Valley Conference track meet on Saturday pictured provided by a parent

Big Foot varsity baseball got to play at the sky carp minor league stadium in Beloit last night. Such a nice new field and cool experience! Here are some photos that parents shared of the team

Pops Concert Wednesday May 17th

There will be a short meeting for anyone interested in wrestling next year in Coach Heck's room after school on Wednesday, May 10th. Please plan to attend

Summer Cass (Chiefs, Agility's Speed and Strength) workouts start Tuesday, June 6th. Be sure to sign up in the main office with Ms Hernandez, the cost is $20.00 and it includes a t-shirt. See Ms Krick with questions.

Mr Slawson's Foods 1 Class is making breakfast today. Mr Welden just happened to be in the right place at the right time and got to taste some of the delicious dishes that were being made

"The Big Foot FFA is holding their annual Plant Sale! Stop by the greenhouse to pick up quality plants and support our FFA chapter!"

Sky Carp to host Rock Valley Conference Jamboree
ABC Supply Stadium will be the scene for one of the most exciting prep events of the spring: The Rock Valley Conference Jamboree.
The Jamboree, which will take place over the course of three days, will feature all 10 Rock Valley Conference baseball teams matching up.
By the time the jamboree is complete, 14 different high school teams will have played games at ABC Supply Stadium this spring.
The Sky Carp are grateful to provide the unique opportunity for prep athletes to play in a premium facility and make memories for themselves and their families.
Tickets for each game are $7 and can be purchased online at SkyCarp.com or by visiting the Box Office at ABC Supply Stadium. ABC Supply Stadium is a cashless facility, so only purchases made via credit, debit, Google Pay or Apple Pay will be accepted.
RVC Jamboree Schedule:
Thursday, May 11th
Gates open at 4 PM
First pitch: 5:00 PM - MacFarland vs. Edgerton
Tickets: Click here
Friday, May 12th
Gates open at 2 PM
First pitch: 3 PM - Evansville vs. Turner
Tickets: Click here
First Pitch: 5:35 PM - Clinton vs. Jefferson
Tickets: Click here
Saturday, May 13th
Gates open at 3 PM
First pitch: 4 PM - Whitewater vs. Broadhead
Tickets: Click here
First Pitch: 6:35 PM - Big Foot vs East Troy
Tickets: Click here https://mlb.tickets.com/?agency=MILB_MPV&orgid=55549&pid=9249579#/event/9249579/ticketlist/?view=sections&minPrice=8&maxPrice=9&quantity=1&sort=price_desc&ada=false&seatSelection=false&onlyCoupon=true&onlyVoucher=false

JV2 Boys Basketball Coach
Season: November 1, 2023-March 15, 2024
Contact Bailey Racky to apply.

Celebrating teacher appreciation week

Softball heads to Whitewater tonight, game time is 5:00.

Softball heads to Jefferson tonight. Game time is 5:00 pm.

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